An Eggs-cellant Idea! Restaurant Over Easy and Shamrock Farms Team Up for Monthlong ‘Dollars for a Dozen’ Fundraiser

By Michelle GlicksmanMarch 22, 2023

An Eggs-cellant Idea! Restaurant Over Easy and Shamrock Farms Team Up for Monthlong ‘Dollars for a Dozen’ Fundraiser

Local breakfast restaurant Over Easy is teaming up withShamrock Farms in April to raise funds—and eggs—for United Food Bank for the third annual “Dollars for a Dozen” fundraiser.

Throughout the month of April, when dining at any of the 11 Over Easy locations throughout Arizona, guests can donate $1 or more to United Food Bank. Over Easy will then match every donation dollar for dollar. In addition, every dollar raised will contribute to a dozen eggs delivered to the United Food Bank by Shamrock Farms.

Last year, the annual promotion raised over $18,000 and 9,000 dozen eggs for the United Food Bank.

“United Food Bank is honored to once again be the recipient of this year’s Dollars for a Dozen fundraiser,” says Grace Astor, the Director of Corporate Relations and Community Engagement at United Food Bank. “We understand that eggs are in such high demand this year, but the nutritional and protein value they provide can go a long way. We are thankful for the entire community, and the teams at Over Easy and Shamrock Farms for their assistance in helping us end hunger insecurity across Arizona.”‘Dollars-for-a-Dozen-Fundraiser-img1.jpg



Courtesy Over Easy


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