The doctors and staff at Papago Buttes Pediatric Center welcome the opportunity to become the medical home for your children.
The foundation to our approach to medical care is establishing long term personal relationships so that we may meet the individual needs of families. We strive to provide easy accessibility to our triage staff and doctors if needed. We believe the healthcare needs of your children are best provided by getting to know you and your children. We accomplish this by providing consistent well child care with one provider, as well as making every effort for you to see the same provider for most of your ill visits, although this is not always possible.
During the times when our office is closed, one of our physicians is available to you for urgent questions by phone.
This enhances the continuity of care by keeping the care of your children within our office. For the most part, appointments are available for acutely ill children the same day or the day after you call.
Furthermore, we will see your children until they are twenty-one years old, allowing us to establish a long-term relationship with them so that we may care for them as they transition into adulthood.
During your visits we will make every attempt to answer all of your questions completely. The doctors make it their responsibility to stay current with recent changes and advances in pediatric care so that they can provide up to date care for your children. We would like for you to feel that you have access to our services whenever you need them. Our website will be an avenue we use to provide you with the latest in medical news that may impact the health of your children.
In summary, our goal is to provide up to date pediatric care within the framework of personalized approach with an emphasis on accessibility to our staff. We look forward to providing a medical home to your children from birth until they reach twenty-one years of age.